When it comes to selecting the best communication and customer engagement platform for your business, ChatBeacon offers two powerful options: ChatBeacon Cloud and ChatBeacon Installable...
When it comes to selecting the best communication and customer engagement platform for your business, ChatBeacon offers two powerful options: ChatBeacon Cloud and ChatBeacon Installable...
Cybersecurity is critical for ChatBeacon.io as it builds trust with users and protects sensitive data. Here’s how cybersecurity can directly benefit ChatBeacon.io...
In today’s digitally connected world, customers expect instant responses. They’re busy, on the go, and looking for quick solutions to their problems.
In today’s digital landscape, businesses often face a critical decision: Should they rely on a single “all-in-one” platform for every facet of their online operations or choose best-in-class tools that are laser-focused...
I was 18 when I first fell victim to identity theft. The year was 2010, and times were much simpler then...
In the world of digital communication, chat platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives.
Remember the opening scene of the 1984 James Cameron classic The Terminator?
In the pursuit of customer service excellence, businesses often opt for technology integrations…
Communicate with your customers in 52 languages with automatic translation powered by Google Translate
With peek messaging, your chat operators can preview what your customers are typing in real-time
Let’s talk about #filters for a minute. No, we’re not talking about Instagram or Snapchat filters
Growing up in a family of entrepreneurs, I’ve seen, first-hand, the blood, sweat, and tears involved...
Customers are willing to walk away if they can’t get the help they are seeking in a prompt
The year is 2029 and the city of Los Angeles has become the apocalyptic battleground of the war between man and machine.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I got an email from the gym I enthusiastically joined on January...
As a lot of you can relate, my college experience was a delicate balance of studying for exams...
Let's face it; there's competition in everything–especially business. Unless you're running a utility....
It's no secret that good customer service can make or break a business. It's been estimated...
For most, the holiday season is a time of joy, nostalgia, and giving back.
It may or may not come as a surprise to you that offering live chat on websites has ...
When you think of live chat support, you probably envision a little “Chat With Us” bubble...
Live chat is not only a convenient feature for your website. It’s a vital component to your ...