Remember what you learned in your high school French class?We’ll be honest; neither do we.
Luckily, with live chat by ChatBeacon, you can keep your foreign language textbooks on your dusty shelves where they’ve happily been since graduation. As we’ve mentioned before, we’re huge fans of the internet. Since its inception nearly thirty years ago, the World Wide Web as we know it has provided an absolutely limitless market for individuals and business owners alike. While your business’s market used to just consist of anyone within driving distance to your store, it now encompasses literally anyone in the entire world. Well, anyone, that is, with a solid internet connection…
Being multilingual is muy bueno, but unless you’re the President of the United States, you probably don’t have a staff of customer service representatives that collectively speaks more than a few languages. So what do you do if someone from Russia stumbles upon your website and has questions about your products?
That’s where we come in!We’re sure you know that ChatBeacon exists to simplify communication between you and your loyal customers. With our in-app translation, you can now instantly communicate with your customers in 52 languages with automatic translation powered by Google Translate.
Your operators can set the app in whichever language they prefer. No matter what language your website’s visitors use when they initiate a chat engagement, each message will automatically display the original language, as well as the translated message. Likewise, your customers will see your operator’s responses in both languages, as well. World domination is now closer than you think!As always, this feature comes standard with every subscription to ChatBeacon. To learn more about our features, or to get a one-on-one demonstration of our app with one of our programers, hop on over to our demo page.